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The contribution of game and sports facilities

The development of the child’s movement and motor skills form the basis for the development of all other areas in early childhood.
Researchers in the field of child development attach great importance to the movement activity of children , as a significant factor in brain development.
Movement activity organized in rich environments, and diverse stimuli, is one of the important factors in this process.

Thinking and learning do not occur only in the brain, the body plays an active part in all intellectual processes, from the first moments of life to old age. The body’s senses feed the brain with environmental information through which it creates an understanding of the world. The movements, the more complex they are, organize the knowledge and help better cognitive function.
Motor development refers to a process that occurs throughout life, and in this process there are changes that occur as a result of systemic maturity, physical growth and experience.

“For the child to retain his innate sense of wonder, without the help of any fairies, he needs the accompaniment of at least one adult, who can share the feelings with him, rediscover with him the joy, the excitement, the mystery of the world we live in” (Rachel Carson , 1956).

Studies indicate that play and activity in nature and play facilities are equally important to both city and village children. The children are most of the day inside the house, in the kindergarten or in the classroom at school (due to concerns for the children’s safety) and seldom go to parks and playgrounds. The young children spend long hours in the kindergartens, multi-child kindergartens and teenage classes, and thus the time for free play and bonding activities between parents and children is greatly reduced. Thus, they are denied the opportunity to release pressure and strengthen personal and motor connections.

The playgrounds are a place where you can move, play, perfect your movement, meet new friends, strengthen friendships. All these together provide an environment rich in stimuli, which is beneficial and meaningful for the children . The activity in the spaces and playgrounds within the garden yard, or the school, allow multi-sensory activation, control and motor organization, while sensori-motor function.

Developing a sense of success and building, a positive self-image, play, movement, learning and diverse activities in the play and sports facilities and in the didactic facilities, occupy a central place in education and provide an environment for wonder and natural curiosity as well as a response to the need to move and play,
Something that contributes to the physical, emotional, social and cognitive development of the child.

(Hess, 2008) – The world’s environment is part of the human cognitive system. The interrelationship between the brain and the body that moves and operates in a highly stimulating, physically and emotionally challenging environment is made through the cognitive mechanisms of perception and sensory processing in the environment.

It is important that the playgrounds and sports be interesting, safe and enriching, intelligently planned, and produced by a professional team, so that they allow free, challenging and enriching play, according to the physical and emotional needs of the children.

Studies that examined schoolyards that have green lungs, natural spaces for play, which include playgrounds and sports facilities , found that the children play creatively while perfecting their movement and body and bringing social connections to light . In another study, it was found that children in these schools do better in science subjects.

natural spaces rich in a variety of challenging and varied games, Reduce the pressures of young children, develop the intellectual, emotional and social ability of the children.
The gaming facilities
are an organized environment, which arouses curiosity and encourages repeated experience at an ever-increasing level, which allows experience in all basic types of movement, which requires A high level of balance, independent learning, strengthening and perfecting mobility, each child according to the need and personal ability.
this environment, Encourages multifaceted movement , and arouses children’s attention to the way they move, to the force expended, to the pace of movement, to the need for rest between activities, toProblem solving, concentration , and brings the movement system to maturity which is manifested in the ability to maintain Stabilized back, focused eyes. These control processes, Necessary for the high-quality functioning of the body, brain and social-emotional relationships of the children.

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