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Fitness for women

It is known that women tend to put others before themselves, be it the children and the family, responsibilities at work,
or anything else; Women often feel that they need the time for recreation and doing something for themselves instead of others.
When there is no time to rest and take care of the body, when we are in the non-stop race of life, it affects our health.
Therefore, it is extremely important to learn to integrate fitness into your busy life and it doesn’t matter how busy you are. It may seem impossible,
But there are ways to do it and even easier than you think.
For women who are always “on the move” and are unable to devote too much time to fitness ,
A great option is to combine some types of activity with something you already do anyway; Such as a trip with the child’s stroller, a “shopping trip” and various other arrangements. You have to take the step towards health, no matter what it is, just do something small every day without a second thought, go out into the open air, see people, meet friends, feel the sun, watch the sea. Fitness can be an orderly and regular workout that you do for yourself: warming up, Flexibility exercises 10 minutes, walking 30 minutes, muscle strengthening exercises 15 minutes and finally release, or alternatively spontaneously:
A short warm-up, running, walking, some exercises, walking again, a little running, stretching, flexibility and finally release.
No matter what you do, the main thing is that you feel good about yourself, that you managed to break the routine, go out and also feel wonderful.
Fitness training in the public park can be a good solution for those who don’t want to sign up for gyms.
The training in the park is free, close to home, without the “showcase” that is practiced in gyms and training in the open air. You can combine aerobic fitness training and muscle strengthening with fitness equipment in the park , as well as purchase additional sports equipment , for example:
Jumpers, TRX training strap and barbell straps.

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