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playing on swings

So what’s the big deal about rocking ?
Thinking about the wonderful and graceful art of rocking takes me back to one of my favorite childhood play experiences,
Swinging like Tarzan in the jungle on ropes dangling from high tree branches in the north of the country.

Swinging in a natural environment has been a “fashion” since the first moments of man.
Homo erectus and then Homo sapiens were among the first to experience the pleasure of swinging on vines in the jungle.
Although we really have no factual evidence of the removal of the lot from the first modern swing ,
A pendulum device consisting of a horizontal beam.

Illustrative evidence can be found on history and science websites
In Europe and Asia people were swinging a few hundred years ago.
Pictures of well-dressed children playing on swings with flat board seats in public parks .

During the industrial revolution and the emergence of laws against child labor,
Children needed public places to play .
With the development of the public park, the swing became one of the most popular devices in the newly created play environment .
This phenomenon raises the question, why can people of all ages enjoy the activity we call ” swinging “?

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