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Surfing public fitness facility – double (2113DL)

Surfing public fitness facility – double (2113DL)

Information about Golash public fitness facility – double – 2113DL:
Description of the facility:
A fitness facility for strengthening the abdominal muscles and expanding the range of the pelvic muscles.

Duration of work: young people – up to 18 repetitions, adults – up to 12 repetitions.
Manufactured according to Israeli Standard 1497 – Facilities for unsupervised physical activity: general safety requirements and test methods.

Instructions for use – for the stomach:
1. Stand between the parallels with your back to the device.
2. Grasp the handles.
3. Lean back and raise your legs at a 90 degree angle.

Instructions for use – for the basin:
1. Stand your ground.
2. Grasp the handles.
3. Start rocking to the sides.

A series of public fitness facilities

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