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Pull-up public fitness facility – double

Pull-up public fitness facility – double

Information about a public fitness facility pull-up – double – 14404DL:
Description of the facility:
A fitness device for strengthening the muscles of the arms and chest.

Duration of work: young people – up to 15 repetitions, adults – up to 12 repetitions.
Manufactured according to Israeli Standard 1497 – Facilities for unsupervised physical activity: general safety requirements and test methods.

User manual:
1. Sit on the chair.
2. Grasp the handles and pull down with your hands.
3. Pay back in a controlled way.

Public fitness facility combined pulling and pushing

Description of the facility:

A public fitness facility combined with pulling and pushing is an outdoor fitness facility,
allowing people to perform two popular fitness exercises:
pulls and pushes. The device usually consists of a metal frame with two rods: one for pulling and one for pushing.

Training recommendations:

  • attraction:

    • Grip above the shoulders: works mainly on the back muscles.
    • Shoulder width grip: works mainly on the muscles of the hands.
    • Grip under the shoulders: works mainly on the chest muscles.
  • urgency:

    • Hands at shoulder width: works mainly on the chest muscles.
    • Narrower hands: works mainly on the shoulder muscles.
    • Wider hands: works mainly on the chest muscles.

Where to install:

  • Public parks and gardens:
    This is the most common option, as public parks and gardens are open and accessible to all.
  • schools:
    Public fitness facilities combined with pulling and pushing can be installed in schoolyards to encourage students to exercise.
  • From community centers:
    Many community centers offer a variety of sports and physical activity, and public fitness facilities that combine pulling and pushing can be installed as part of this offer.
  • Residential neighborhoods:
    Public fitness facilities combined with pull and push can be installed in public areas in residential neighborhoods, to allow residents easy access to physical activity.
  • beaches:
    Combined pull and push public fitness facilities can be installed on beaches, as part of the sports and leisure facilities offered there.


  • Versatile: the device allows two important fitness exercises to be performed.
  • Economical: the facility combines two individual facilities, which saves space and costs.
  • Accessible: the facility is easy to use and suitable for all fitness levels.
  • Effective: the device allows effective training and strengthening of the upper body.
A pull-up and push-up public fitness facility is a great way to get an outdoor workout and strengthen your upper body.

Oren Gaming Facilities Ltd
Planning and construction of public fitness facilities
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A series of public fitness facilities

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