Tips for safe and correct play in public play facilities :
Play facilities in playgrounds are a wonderful place for children.
They breathe fresh air, meet new children and exercise while playing and having fun.
Parents are responsible for checking that the play facilities and the play area are indeed safe for their children to use.
Dangerous play, improper use or deficiencies in a playground can harm a child.
Every year, approximately 185,000 children are injured at home, in kindergartens and on the roads.
Some of the accidents in kindergartens can be prevented by proper supervision during play.
First step – teach and explain to children the importance of safe play :
1. Climbing and playing in the facilities according to the instructions.
2. Walking during the game, without running in and around the facility.
3. Wearing shoes or sandals while playing.
Second step – a seemingly simple test can verify that the playground is indeed in good condition and does not pose a danger to children:
1. It is necessary to check that the parts are indeed complete and without fragments.
2. Inspection to detect objects protruding from the ground such as iron, concrete and construction debris.
3. Checking that there is indeed direction signage, manufacturer signage and maintenance signage for the garden.
Third step – physical inspection of the facilities before the children enter the facility:
1. Shake the device to test its strength.
2. Inspection of metal and wood evidence protruding from the facility.
All right?! Come on play!!!