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Designed game facilities

From classic game facilities to 21st century game facilities :
The popular belief is that the game unites the whole society.
Designed game facilities are an integral part of the game experience itself.
An exciting new form of play facilities, invites the children to play with the creatively designed facilities – the roof of the facility, the various climbing accessories, crawling tunnels and bridges to pass between the towers.

These designs may inspire meaningful and relevant play experiences for children of all ages and physical abilities.
The purpose of the innovative products is to create an equipped playground layout that allows children to move around,
Explore and discover new ways to play. The new design takes the structure of a traditional playground ,
and moves it forward with modern design and unique features.

The facilities consist of pipes of different sizes in which you can pass and hang, openings of different shapes, and climbing on a special rope.
The structure provides everything needed for climbing with plenty of challenges to increase and train strength,
Agility and movement planning for children of all ages.

Slides – Unlike traditional slides with one way up and down, climbing slides features three access points for a wide variety of challenge levels. The design, like the sculpture, makes use of every area of ​​the building.
The tube at the top turns into a play area and provides space to move around while children are waiting to slide down the slide or the surfing tube .
The integrated climbers add a new dimension to the conventional slide.

Swing – The standard swing design is limiting because it is only designed for two children. in its new design,
Large groups of children can experience the fun while moving up and down.
Many children can share the experience at once, allowing some to sit or stand while others actually rock the swing .

The play equipment encourages friendship between the children and children use their core muscles.

Climbing and body activity at different heights – the new product provides a large number of access points and the activity encourages the children to look for the way in the maze. Children can climb through rings , hang or crawl on their knees and gather at the observation deck where you can get a great view of the entire playground .

A rope net provides high levels of challenge and the area below provides additional play space .
The design like a hill allows a large number of children to play . They can jump, crawl, walk, run or just sit and relax.
Under the structure, the children experience a “camp” and can let their imagination run wild or relax and rest in the seats.
Play is essential to everyone’s health and well-being. It’s something you’re never too young for or too old to enjoy.
We develop creativity in the playground environment , the unique design of the playground facilities is designed to release,
the “power” of the game and make the body stronger and fly in the imagination.

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